The subject of this special research study examines how human mobility and immobility are related to space and the forms this space adopts depending on the kind of transportation. The way in which everyday movements in the modern world are perceived is inextricably connected to the infrastructures mediating in their fulfilment. The meaning of movement through an infrastructure presents a contradiction in correlating permanence and flows of movements. However this is more easily understood through a recursion to the minimal infrastructures filtering movements in space, since in a great part of the world, human movements are conducted outside the built-up space. In the nomadic world, where moving is not limited to implementingor necessity but constitutes a way of life, the initial identity of moving throughout unbuilt space is clarified. Nomadism basically constitutes a different perspective of the relations between infrastructure as station and transportation as movement. Nevertheless, the development of means of transport as well as the change of needs for movement have modified significantly the nature of migrating and dictated the formation of the ordinary transportation infrastructures. Rapid transit systems play a decisive part in the formation of modern nomadism and the character of our everyday movements. The multifunctional aspect of such infrastructures embodieson the one hand features of the intense urban everyday life and on the other hand contributes to a new dynamic in the idea of travelling as well as of space as a still receiver of movements.
The methodological approach of the study is based, initially on the transfer from the modernperception of transportation infrastructures to the past of human migrations globally through space and then to the return to the present transportations and their integral link with corresponding infrastructures. The study of this field is carried out through the scientific fields of philosophy, sociology, anthropology and architecture. It is therefore attempted to express the correlation of mobility with permanent installations and more specifically transport infrastructures. This is accomplished by focusing on the main causes which define transportation over time, the perception of space by people who live on the move, the relation between space and time and the interactions of the above mentioned in the configuration of social structures and urban life.