This research topic’s intention is to shed some light on the form of habitation developed in Karla till it was dried in 1962. Given the landscape’s lost character, the aim of this project is to define how man perceives, organizes and creates landscape. By understanding that landscape is a metabolic process and a construct of thought, rather than a product existing in vacuum, characteristics of structures are attributed to it. In this case, the triptych draw-build-inhabit becomes think-build-ply. In order to follow a revealing course of thought, the reverse route is chosen, thereby starting from the last subject, the inhabitant, and arraying the elements that form space in memory and in perception, treating the human body as a sensory object. Ply does not refer to living on water per se, but rather defines the whole lake life, containing the element of instability, agony and adaptability that also refers to the literal meaning of the word. The subjects of ply mentioned here are the members of the landscape that are defined by this instability and circularity, such as fish, birds, humans and even the water itself. Following both Heidegger’s theory as well as the structuralist theory to determine habitation, we pose a question of the relation between nature and culture, in the frame of the nature-culture divide theory. In the next chapter, build, reference is made to the structures that affect the physical form of the landscape, based on the theory introduced by Heidegger again. The practices mentioned are the construction of huts, construction of unique boats and plants and the formative dimension of the human body itself. The endpoint of all this dialectic, in think, is to investigate the conception of these structures and craft, as defined by Levi-Strauss, as well as the role of mimicry and anthropomorphism in the production of equipment, and every structure in general.