The present research regarding recording the method of the creative process raises the concern about its utility for the community and the creator himself. Initially, three examples of recording the method of creative process are given: Edgar Allan Poe (the philosophy of composition), Igor Stravinsky (Poetics of Music in the Form of Six Lessons), and Allan Kaprow (how to make a happening). The object of analysis in the above examples belongs to a different creative field in each case. It seems in that way we can track the common places of those creative fields to come up with a more meaningful way to arrive at evidence concerning the creative process in general.Further along a personal case of recording method is proposed in a pictorial study. This recording is classified as follows: the project gathers around three levels of analysis (recipe-manual, notes, extensions).
1. The recipe shows the composition of construction materials and a pictorial manner of disclosure of the production process. The recipe is something that arises afterwards (after finishing the production of the work).
2. The second recording level gathers the notes containing detailed comments, ideas or any errors on the creative process. This level of recording develops as a calendar (simultaneously with the construction of the project).
3. Extensions are related with inventions, evolutionary proposals and new constructions on the subject of the recording. The case of the open cognitive system is supported by this study in contrast to the closed cognitive system, through the inquiries for the sources of thought during the creative process and the open propagation of that kind of knowledge.