The present thesis is being placed within the area of salt pits of Mesolongghi and refers to a multi-programming strip of land which runs transversely the region of salt pits, where each walker is being picked up from the regional street of the city and through the salt pits’s grid he is transferred to the side of lagoon. During the intermediate journey, the walker meets uses of different styles and themes, involving research, treatment (cure), observation, tasting, entertainment, accommodation and information. The territorial “moments” formed reproduce experiences of concentration, walk and posture, viewing and finally discussion, observation and conversation with the landscape. The configuration of this existing topography is included within the programme in the form of secondary routes, placing an additional promenade network, as well as the probability of choosing a diverse route each time. Our basic desire of design was based on the creation of the motive (uses) but also on the capability (ground) of visiting the salt pits, an area with environmental intensity and distinctiveness. By choosing the present location and the program itself, not only a dynamic link between this intervention and the city of Mesolongghi was attempted but the harmonious integration to the geometry and the conditions of this imminent topography has been tried as well. In other words, the present study seeks to synthesize an architectural experience where the coexistence between humans and a physical paradoxical conformation is being traded. The artificially processed landscape is combined with plenty small and different programmatic parts, aiming at the enhancement of man’s existence in this place.