The project touches upon the 6 block-area contained within the boundaries of the streets Stadiou, Pesmazoglou, Sofokleοs, Peiraios, Epikourou, Euripidou and Dragatsaniou. An area hovering between the different character of the centralities that emerge on both sides of the centre of Athens, indicating that the city centre has reached an halt in its evolutionary process.
The constant expansion of the urban supplement combined with the abandonment of traditional uses that were being supported within, rendered our work as a research concerning the re-acquisition of the urban void. In the process, the dialogue between the vacant building mass and the notion of the inert urban porosity emerged as a primary concern.
To activate the porosity, it became essential to redefine the conceptual typologies. The design worked in a regulatory way, assisting the urban factors of evolution, turning the vacant building mass in hubs where the intercalary physical representation of the person arises, offering the space, the public treaty.