The following text, consists of a sequence of thoughts carefully cat- egorized and structured, in order to achieve the best possible approach, in understanding and comprehending the terms, concepts, procedures, characteristics, categories, and all other kind of elements- all neces- sary for a short but complete presen- tation- of the actual meaning of the term: prefabrication.
Initially the history of prefabrica- tion is presented through the use of: facts, chronologies, names and refer- ences to products that were innova- tive for their time - which notice- ably played an important role in the development of this kind of construc- tion.
In continuation, the analysis of the concepts and the terminology is pre- sented, in an attempt to provide the reader a full understanding and clar- ificationof the subject. There are described in full detail, the catego- ries that occur, in relation to the special characteristics and the meth- ods that are used during the diverse variety of applications.
An important part of this disserta- tion, is the study of a number of examples of existing houses, that seriously took into account, in their construction, the method of prefabri- cation. This kind of approach of re- search has led to the acquisition of a more complete view of the possible finalproducts.
Finally, and most important of all, there is a reference to the basic conditions that need to be kept and well preserved, in order for pre- fabrication to further develop and evolve in Greece.
In conclusion, an enumeration of the advantages and disadvantages of this construction method as well as an ac- count of the results measured after their use, is included.