This divided into6 chapters research entitled "Exploring the nature of clay as an alternative, ecological, structural material", was conducted in order to theoretically explore the opportunities of clay in green building construction.
References to the historicaluse of clay and to various forms of housing that prevailed from antiquity to the recent past are initially presented. Various construction types and techniques that were applied by historical period are also outlined.
The compositionof clay is being analyzed then, and the fine compounds which represent clay, with each different qualities, are presented. The laboratory and field tests that we conduct in order to determine the exact composition of clay are being described. Then the properties of clay, with all the advantages and disadvantages as a building material, are recorded.
The life cycle of clayand the various levels of processing, until clay becomes from a raw material into a product suitable for construction, are being analyzed. Then ecological classification of clay products is being done.
Variousconstruction techniques that include clay within the advantages and vulnerabilities are presented. At the end of this research, evaluation of various construction techniques for their ability to adapt into the developed industrial countries in green building construction is performed, with several modern and older examples of existing buildings.