Relationships become part of the production procedure and are commercialized. The Production procedure evolves and mutates and incorporates intellectual labor as well as physical labor. In this context cultural and educational development become part of the economy. This procedure includes all aspects of communication and interaction which play a significant role in the development of mindsets. These aspects are intensified through mass use of cell phones and the internet. The latter creates a new, virtual world, where the number of activities keeps rising and this becomes the most handy means of interaction for people. It has already caused substantial changes in many aspects of our way of life and not least in our social behaviour. In this fashion the borderline between public and private life narrows since people are more easily exposed through social networks while the excessive ease of use and access establishes them as a significant means of consciousness development, something which can also influence views on politics, among other things. New mentalities and rationalities arise while people who are now considered merely as users-consumers end up behaving in this very way in society. Users-objects , that have a passive stance towards communication, politics and social life. Even reactions are subjected to a predetermined imaginary game in which nobody can flout the rules, because quite simply, without them there is no game. Thus those that determine the rules, along with the prevailing perceptions remain unscathed. And this system is continuously repeated.