The present dissertation, discourses the study of a lodging, whose aim is to fulfill the minimum requisites, all necessary for the living of a typical four-member greek family (2+2).
The whole design process took part, taking into great consideration: the ease with which the housing-unit can be constructed, the small amount of time needed for its completion, the preservation of a low cost budget plus the pleasant stay that its habitants can experience.
The bioclimatic profile of the lodging consists of: a number of big vertical openings towards the orientation axis East - West, used in order to: natural light to penetrate in a quite important depth into the house. Apart from natural lighting, these openings provide the possibility of their partial deposition, creating a controlled air flow which aims to the proper ventilation of the house. The lack of the existence of a certain piece of land-location (site plan) - meaning therefore the lack of the definition of the prevailing air direction - led to the need of the creation of a horizontal opening towards north, in an effort to take full advantage of the regional winds. Natural lighting and ventilation are also being reinforced by two windows placed on the ceiling.
A big opening towards North reassures – fulfilling and taking into consideration all the necessary insulation specifications – that natural light penetrates into the living space area during all day. The protection needed at the southern openings, is being provided both by an overhang construction element and by the settlement of a punctured roll of aluminium, which manages to cut away the total amount of the UV radiation. The external window panes towards the orientation axis East-West, are solar controlled, achieving conditions of thermal convenience during Winter-Summer period in the interior of the living space area.
The single inclination roof, offers the possibility of the collection of rain water and storage of this amount in - an appropriate for its cause - reservoir , ready to be used for gardening.
The thesis entitled “Prefabrication”, which preceded the present dissertation, played a definitive role in the choice of a construction method for this house, which turned out to be the exact method of prefabrication.
Both the house’s fundaments and the paving stone, are being constructed by reinforced concrete. The framework is metallic, consisted of two inflexible framings. The filling walls as well as the ceiling are being constructed by lightweight concrete panels. In the interior, the lodging is being padded by OSB leaves, while the insulation is being placed in the inner part of the supporting frame, in order to avoid the thermal gaps.
The system used is known as: a mixed structure, with elements of open prefabrication, used to provide morphological diversions and flexibility.
Finally, there was special attention given to the design of the living room area. What is being noticed here is the existence of big openings which eliminate visual and spatial “boundaries” that are usually being imposed by the “shell” of the house to its inhabitants. The result taken is a carefully accomplished union between the external environment and the internal space.