Public-ness and the limits it poses through fragmented road networks form part of an urban void which can, within proper restructure and creative construction, transform itself from a deterrent boundary to a limitless space, from a gap to a communication bridge.
It is exactly this kind of an in-between space that formed part of the current paper. Aim of the current project is to concern the reader with regards to the unification of the ‘past’ and the ‘future’, offering life in present, unification through combining three central road networks, with many ‘left-over’ and ‘out casted’ spaces, and turn it into a vital centre which will offer both a ‘lung of greenness’ for its residents but also an entertaining and educational centre for the visitor, covering basic communicational needs and shaking down the limits offered by the existing planning of the above mentioned networks.
The suggested project is situated in a central area of the capital between three main high – speed avenues. Its history shows us that this place was once full of life and water, before it turned into a speed passage and a limit line for the intersected areas. The water life of the Ilisos River gives the seed of creation both to a water centre, with a small exhibition hall, and to the revitalization of the greenness for the affluent shore fields of Ilisos. The suggested recast offers the reader the ability to monitor the way with which the ‘crack’ and the ‘void’ of these spaces in-between is replaced with vital areas for the urban landscape, like a multileveled square – park, a water museum as well as educational spaces connected to water issues and (hydroponics) cultivation.
Finally, the current project desires to set a debate for changes and rejection of limits and boundaries promoted by the modern lifestyle of immense urban models through its effort to improve this condition in the centre of a capital where the existence and rehabilitation of the public areas becomes more and more a compulsive necessity.