The society that increasingly shapes her environment invented her special technique to process the specific basis of all work: her ground. The public space, as being a field of social projection is also the space where behaviors and relationships are bonding, through the process of collectivization of needs and experiences. The formation of such behaviors is imposed to the users of the space through the planning. The effort of city planning of the European cities and generally the cities of the developed word goes towards to the formation of clean and functional cities. Nowadays, cleanliness and hygiene tend to be achieved through human behavior “cleanups”. Therefore, it is the lack of planning that determines which behaviors are the prohibited ones.
The “Center of collective body practice” is a project, that focuses at these deficiencies and prohibitions, trying to satisfy the physical needs in the public space putting them at the same time in a different context. The main point are the public baths and public toilets. Around the proceedings of the bathroom and toilet a program that includes food, bathroom, medical labs is getting developed.
Considering the importance of the public baths and toilets in a city center, we chose to locate our building in the junction of Stadiou and Aeolou street in the center of Athens. We face the building matching it with the digestive system, where a basic movement axis, crosses different rooms, that match to different functions. The building tries to satisfy the need of public bath and toilets and the need of socialization, public communication and convert the house body practices into collective ones.