The aim of this project is to re-design the park at Anauros in order to attract more people. The basic concept is the combination of curved and straight lines that signifies the contradicting qualities of the natural (curved lines) and artificial (straight lines) environment. The idea derives from the geographical features of the site focusing mainly on the contact of the site with the sea. Additionally the fact that this site was artificially constructed using materials from the ruins of the earthquakes the city suffered from during the 1955. In comparison with the today's existing "urban square", this new approach underlines the importance of the presence of the natural environment by extending and organizing the greenery. Moreover activities such as walking, cycling etc, are being encouraged with the designing of paved pathways that traverse the site. A number of spaces of different quality (size, density) such as forestry, groves, flower-beds, open spaces are being organized and placed according to the curved lines, which are based on the concept, and the straight lines which follow the existent lines of the city. The combination of these different qualities gives a vast variety of spacial experiences. The existent functional activities such as playground, cafeterias, auditorium are being preserved but relocated in order to be distributed all over the site so as to "invite" visitors to the interior. Furthermore, the groves have more than just aesthetic value as they add the activity of harvest that may attract the locals. The variety of plants and trees adds to the forth-dimensional feature of the design since the visual impact of the park is going to differentiate over the months (blooming season, harvest season etc)