We live in an era where energy saving stops being a choice and is rendered need not only for ecological reasons but mainly for economic ones. In a country like Greece that our ecologic conscience is in deep sleep and our countryswirls in the hurricane of economic crisis and International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.), it is imposed we make our buildings greener. The urban web has become so much dense leading in isolation and the alienation. The spaces for the children to play with safety disappear and the need for walk and exercising is decreased after the bourgeois is forced to move in a environment full exhaust and cars.
For my dissertation I chose to make a proposal for energy saving in residential spaces, using the foundations of bioclimatic design, from the first stages of the planning. I tried to designee e group of residences that consumes the least possible energy taking in consideration the orientation, the way of manufacture, the placement of openings but also the role of user. I tried to create a system of residences and public uses, that green dominates, with enough spaces of concentration and communication, spaces of exercising, corridors for walking and riding a bike. A safe and healthy environment for children but also for adults, with a lot of activities.
We created 25 residences in the location Stauros Ftiotidas using external insulation, photovoltaic, proper orientation and green roofs. We also paid attention in the architectural planning creating similar buildings without however making them the same.