De|sto|reunit is a basic residential working machine. It came up as an essential personal need for familiarization of the minimum required space of the academic building and it is mostly referred to students of architecture and equivalent schools.
De|sto|reunitserves three basicstudent’sneedsthatarisethroughouthisdiplomatproject: working (hand-drawn and computer design, model construction), storing (tools, material and personal belongings) and rest (temporary relax, short break from work).
In order to minimize the space that these three procedures require, they were put in layers vertically. Thus, a metal structure was designed on which ‘function shelves’ are adapted with reference to building scaffolding.
Substantial parts of the unit are a work surface –table, a resting area –floor, a fabric canopy – isolation tent and many storage spaces. Construction is completed with a retractable chair – storage box and an included adjustable lamp.
De|sto|reunit functions dependant upon the building it is placed in, using some of its facilities (plug-in, wireless internet), whereas it is possible for it to be multiplied.