The last 37 years, Cyprus is divided in two, and nowhere is more evident than in the capital city, Nicosia.
Today, the essence of the old districts of Nicosia, is the devalorisation of quality of life and of the urban environment and the economic stagnation as well. Abandoned infrastructures and essential lacks, threaten the possibility of functional survival of wider urban totals, but also the maintenance of valuable samples of architectural and cultural heritage.
The intervention to the city of Nicosia Within the Walls, aims to strengthen and enhance the historical center. The data are treated with extreme caution, with a view to ensure conditions that will contribute to substantially upgrade the quality of residents life and also the region generally. The residential areas are not treated uniquely. However, seeks a mix of compatible uses necessary to ensure a desirable urban environment. Simultaneously, the privacy in the strict sense is reversed, paying particular attention to the socialization of the neighborhood, making social contact as a powerful weapon to remove the fear of the borders. The accommodation of permanent population in traditional built-up cores is encouraged, in order to advantageously be reused the existing reserve of residences and preserve the historical and cultural continuity. Is attempted to spread life in urban level to influence different "layers" to inhabit the area.
Particularly important element is the character of the historic city center and must be treated with the proportional importance. Traditional architecture of Cyprus, is combined with the "modern architecture" without the one negates and reverses the other.
The present thesis aims the rearrangement and planning of urban development. Aims the "grafting", in order to achieve Nicosia ‘s revitalization and invigoration.