The city of Tripolis is placed in the east of mountain Menalo, in the center of Arkadia. Although her history is not very old, it constituted an important economic and administrative center, mainly because of her valuable geographical position.
For the completion of the diplomatic research, as plot of study was selected the square of Areos, in the city of Tripolis. The square can be characterized as a reliable witness describing best the evolution of place through the years.
The aim of the diplomatic research is the apply of a project, which would transform (ή convert μπορείς να βάλεις, δεν ξέρω) the square in a strong landmark that will not only present her cultural character but also will upgrade living standards of citizens. For this achievement, the square maintains it’s years level form. The space selected as an activity and action area, is the forehead of the buildings along the square. This configuration does not intend to cover it. On the contrary, this project will frame, enhance and also elect the square in order to become the center of cultural developments of the city, as it was in the past.
In the forehead, along the square, it is developed and evolved a polyprogrammmatic capacitor that collects activities and operations, from the past and current, modulating them and placing them among, in this particular space. With the collaboration and coexistence of these elements, the visitor, via spaces, pictures and atmospheres alternations and also with the assistance of the applied audiovisual means, has the possibility to be trained, acquire knowledge and experiences, through entertainment and recreation.
The way of which, this public space of square is charged and operates again, aims to constitute an example for the more general activation of unexploited and sidelined areas in the city web with basic growth rule the dipole education-recreation.