The 21st century is characterized by major social and economic changes as a result of over-concentration of large populations in cities. Since then the major construction companies feverishly building huge apartment complexes without any concern for creating social and public spaces, building new organizations are needed more than ever.
This research paper aims to describe and analyze a new building 'body' as a phenomenon that follows this intense urbanization in recent decades. These agencies that first Joseph Fenton in 1985 saw called 'Hybrids' have the ability to recruit and combine multiple building programs. Their purpose is the interaction of a discontinuous sequence of urban uses, combining private activities with the public sphere.
The building of these organizations did not develop linearly, but resulted from the continued development and merging of simple formulas in which building complex incorporating a time not only new functional programs and their special characteristics. For this reason the analysis is based on the presentation of specific points of time where each time a new "mutation" was added in this building organization.