In order to distinguish the meaning of a battlefield as a real or a conceptual area we initially regarded a field as every area in which an action can take place. Examining the recent happenings at Syntagma Square (Angry Citizens Movement), we understand that the civil battlefield is a pubic space, such as a square, a road and the public buildings. Such fields are characterized by continuous changes and are surfaced with no warning as they are created by conditional uses of the substantive space, which are not included in the primary intentions of the creators.
Actions that take place in a civil field, do not differ in the end from the infamous games that simulate war situations or battles. Paintball is a game that for the first time a specially produced area is constructed for “battle” and has entertainment as an end result. A predesigned area, when we talk about war as a form of entertainment also appears with a non substantial form. The game counter-strike takes place in a digital environment, depicting with great detail a battle in a scenic city.
In Wafaa Bilal’s work, domestic tension, he creates a field that consists of a synthesis of a real and digital world. It consists of a room, a gun and the web. It is a hybrid field with a material space, in which many variations take place (gunfire) through a digital stool.
Everyday we find ourselves in hybrid fields without realizing it, the borders of which cannot be determined. They are able to continuously change in the same way a civil field does. They are fields in suspense.