The Architectural Model is the oldest architectural visualization tool. The Model as a design tool is an integral part of the first steps of studying architecture. The focus of this essay is the model as a concept and as a visualization tool in architecture. It starts from the research on models, the first forms that were presented and how they have evolved historically, coming to present and modern means of models that took advantage of technology and new design possibilities.
We will deal with differentiation and the types of models, and their construction methods. Very interesting is the evolution of the relationship of representation and architecture, especially at a critical time for the very identity and role of media representation in architecture, characterized by the dissemination and application design capabilities through computers.
The materials that can be used to construct a scale model are numerous and very difficult to define because many times the model as an artistic creation is characterized by creativity and may actually be constructed from any material.
The model is not handling materials handling but handling ideas. It fosters in a material way the mental conceptions of the architect, presents the decisions, the twists and shows the result. The Model requires the physical involvement of the maker, who operates the means - an item that has the familiarity of everyday objects to see, use, understand and analyze.
The way of working of modern architects proves that now more than ever, the model is for everyone something different. There is only one face; it is what the architect wants, without rules and boundaries.
In this essay, we studied how for Zaha Hadid, the model is a tool to develop the idea and lead the work in its final form. This is why every model is produced by a different range of materials appropriate for each case. On the other hand, Renzo Piano uses the model as a means of presentation, and the majority of them are made of wood, as this material represents his work precisely, particularly the steel structures.
We conclude that the model is a versatile tool with no instructions.