In our research we will explore the reasons of appearance of responsive architecture, the metaphor into practice and its future importance and use in modern design.
Beginning from the theoretical approach, first we explain the particular way of design and then we focus in the reasons of appearance of this type of architecture. More specifically we analyze its relation with the architecture of industrial era, the development of technology and digital networks and the expansion and their importance in the communication with its modern sense (via interactivity) as well as the relation of all the above with the experience of space from the people in their daily life.
Afterwards we mention the most important examples of responsive architecture. And after each example, follows a short critic and a diagram for the easier comprehension (with the form of input-process-output). After the apposition of examples, follow various categorizations trying to become comprehensible with the ways of designing responsive architectural and artistic works with the use of interactive interfaces.
In the last chapter we do an extensive criticism on the theory and action of responsive architecture and we take in consideration the goals that served, the ways that were used and the meanings that strengthened the technologies in realized projects. In the last part we attempt to imagine what reserves for us the future of architecture that in our opinion cannot reject the technologies and the digital networks as well as the subjectivity of wishes of people been in the creation and design of space where we live and act.