This research deals with the recording and analysis of the route, which in the past (during 1909-1959) was used for transporting raw materials from the quarry on the hill Selepitsari in Keratsini, to the cement factory Heracles in Drapetsona. The transfer of rocks was through a system of metal pillars, placed across the path on the present roads of Constantinoupoleos and 25th Martiou. Thick wires on the top of the pillars were moving steel trolleys,whichwere transferring the rocks.
In the route that is being analyzed in the paper, two notions-guides are used, entropy and statification. Firstly, the term "entrory" is a measure for the energy that is used when one condition is transformed into another, is an "energy dispersion" or else is a measure for the order and disorder that the matter brings out. The dimensions of that notion inside the paper were mainly sought through artists, who linked entropy with wear, corrosion, decay and the sudden change and disruptionof the systems. The second notion, that was used as a tool for analysis, is stratification, that inside the paper were sought the dimensions of the term on the earth and in space.
The route is divided in three stages of study: the area of the quarry, the industrial ruins and the trek of the path carved by the pillars, which is a path through the urban space. Initially in the old quarry, is made a description of the area today around the park, within the park and the view from the tall cliffs of the quarry. Secondly, the ruins of the industry of quarrying activity are being shown, which can be found outside the quarry-current park, and the functions which they performed. Afterwards, the coarse begins through the city - the course of the wagons/trolleys, showing excerpts-pieces of it from past and present.
The historical data presented (texts, photographs and interviews) all the way, show the time evolution of situations and objects and thus reveal the evolutionary stages, the analysis of stratification and entropy which are involved. Data of the present from the three sections are compared with the past and analyzed through the above concepts. In conclusion, there is an overall assessment of the route.