The topic of this research is architectural photography and its development. The historical retrospection presents the parallel course of architecture and photography and the interaction between them, which is examined through the work of photographers. The research focused on their methodology and the way each of them saw the buildings not only as regards their architectural design but also their very existence as a subject to be depicted in a picture. What is examined in this project is the way in which a building is depicted in a photograph depending on the photographer, his technique and his experience. To be more precise, the research is focused on three photographers who have occupied themselves with architectural photography but have specialized differently in this domain. Julius Shulman engaged exclusively in architectural photography producing photographs of high quality which lend a particular identity to each building and emphasize not only its architectural design but also the occupants’ quality of life inside it, making it more familiar and perceivable to the person looking at it. Gabriele Basilico on the other hand, was more interested in urban landscape and not so much in individual buildings. This led to the production of photographs which depict groups of buildings, that is the architecture on a larger scale and a more collective picture of it. Finally Thomas Ruff, is considered to be an artistic photographer and engages mainly in portraits. Ruff uses the same approach when taking pictures of buildings, leaving a distinct personal mark on architectural photography.