Color is an important architectural element and aim of this study is to see which way, in his unique attributes, transforms the territorial experience in a way that it influences considerably our everyday routine.
People experience color continuously. In the natural environment, as "equipment of survival" of plants and animals, and in the structuring, as basic element in communication of persons with space. Also, is pointed outthe possibility of color to express the continuity or discontinuity with the natural or artificial environment.
Then becomes an effort to understand the multifaceted nature of color and which is analyzed in three individual units: the Physics, the Physiology and the Psychology.
In this units are given all the essential elements about color, the knowledge of which allows us to handle more freely the consequences, from its application, on the human soul.
Afterwards comes a throwback in the use of color from prehistory, where it is not possible we speak for "architectural color", up to the modern times and particularly the 20th century, where color constitutes a basic tool of planning. The analysis of this century its being through reports in opinions of important architects (not only) and movements that "they represent".
Color is studied as integral part of form - tool of composition. Its use through materials and also the way that different functions of space modify the chromatic study.
Through a line of works that cover a period who begins at early years of 20th century and reaches up today, we see the practical application of perceptions about color and the way that these developed in time. From Wright and Le Corbusier, to Barragan and Steven Holl.
The next chapter is reported to color as coloring substance, and in his development from natural mining of Azurite, Cinnabar and Malachite, to organic coloring of modern Chemistry and plastic colors.
This capital functions as conjunctive ring between what mentioned before, with next, where are presented the developments in the sector of Nanotechnology, not only in colors, but more generally in materials and products that in the direct future will radically change the way that we design and build.