In all countries of the industrialized world, the change in production systems, enters gradually especially after 1950, the phenomenon of "de-industrialization". As a result, there was abandonment and depopulation of large industrial units, which are located in city centers. One of the subsequent problems of this phenomenon, is the way of manage and use of the remaining abandoned industrial sites, which from source of productive activity, bacame downgraded and dead spaces. Nowadays, the challenge globally, is how these buildings will retain their nature, became worthy architectural and will be reused poles for future urban development.
The Silophone is a work of the group [The User], which combines sound, architecture and communication technologies, to create a significant milestone in the industrial area of Montreal. It is coming to join similar "transfiguration" moves of such impressive industrial sites in Europe, which are activated through cultural programs of surrounding communities. With the project Silophone, the group [The User] is redefining the nature of the industrial building, entering the concept of "synesthesia".
The "synaesthetic" experience that is lived by the visitor at the silophone, traces the paths marked by the corresponding movements of Iannis Xenakis and other artists in the past.