The association between internet and space hasbeen the subject of scientific discussion for as long as we can remember the net. In this long period of time the statements made have been various to say the least. As a result of growing up in the internet era we felt the need to research and form our own opinion concerning this ambiguous subject.
The first part of the text is an analytic description of an internet experiment. In the beginning we organized an experimental site capable of formulating maps of the internet experience. The need for an interpretation of these maps lead our research in the study of the field of dimensions and space.
As a result we propose a theoretical abstract model of the n-dimensional space of the net which is presented and analyzed visually in diagrams and in video. This model treats the net as a multidimensional spaceĀ constantly vibrating between its virtual and actual state. We define the web page as the blueprint of the space we came to call the new building. It is our belief that this model is capable of giving us a better understanding of the process of surfing the web as a process of space actualization.
In the epilogue of our essay we get skeptical over the unanswered questions as we proposeĀ a possible next direction we could take continuing with our research.