The present research approaches the way that the total experience of architectural space is constisted through the senses of human body. Is attempted the composition of a spatial lecture that is pulled out by the already existing “resources” and attributes of the body: the senses, which we consider extensions of the tactile sense.
Consequently, we regard the body as centre of our world perception and we “use” it as a mean for the restoration of a living experience.
This undertaking is organised under the structure of certain axes of analysis that we set, like texture-corporeity, light, movement into space (continuity/discontinuity inside/outside), the geometry of the limits, landscape and time, and that constitute the material expression of a multi-sensonry experience, a code of communication of body with the space.
The research focuses in the reading of the internal space of Silkeborg Project under the axes that we have set and also through a corporeal interpretation that is connected with the designing interpretation of space from the architect Jorn Utzon΄always taking into consideration the connection of the architectural work with the works of art that the building accommodates and also the ideas of corporeity and nature and atavism that run through the whole project.
Finally we study the architectural example through an attempt of composing these mechanisms that allow us to “see” the space through the haptical system and to realize that the body consists the conclusion and the centre of each space and should be approached as an “incarnate” factor through the process of creation, designing.