Greece has the bad luck to be on an active tectonic area in which every year is emitted about 50% of the energy which is recorded in the whole European continent. Therefore it is extremely important to be used and applied all the contemporary antiseismic rules so as the buildings in our country to have satisfactory resistance and plasticity which can protect them in case of intense seismic action. During the latest seismic activity in Greece there was much destruction despite the antiseismic rule which has been applied recently. This can mean that the seismic armour is not always enough for the modern buildings, or that wrong “decisions” were applied for the designing and also in the constructional part.
In our country the antiseismic planning of constructions, leads to dimensions and armaments that they usually cover their most criteria of functionalism for their permanent charges. However, in destructions of big opening and big height, exposed in corrosive environmental conditions or unfavorable conditions of use, the functional sufficiency and resistibility in the time are not ensured if do not become meticulous controls according to modern regulations.
The present essay concludes a research about the resistibility of concrete, as material of construction, in duration.
In the first part is presented the concrete as a material, the constitutive elements that are essential for the production of it and attributes that it brings. Also, who are those factors that can influence the resistibility of concrete and with which way they achieve that. The main mechanisms of corrosion of concrete will be analyzed and they will be given methods with which an engineer can locate each form of erosion. Finally, depending on the form of corrosion and the stage in which it has advanced, there are given also the proportional meters of protection for her confrontation.
In the second part, is presented a research on the spot in constructions of city of Volos, aiming at the ascertainment of their deterioration by concrete corrosive factors. First of all, the main climatic and seismological characteristics of city are given. Basic element of research was the optical control that was applied in the buildings. The buildings were selected based in two criteria, their distance from the sea and their age, that constitutes the main erosive factors.
In the third and last part, the conclusions that result from the all study of research that was done are presented.