This research project discusses the privileged position of vision in the cultural frame of the modern western world. Moreover it examines the integration of the entire body in the space processes, aiming the attribution of new ways in the engagement of the human with his environment. Afterwards, the ways in which vision came up to occupy a dominant role in the perception and the results of it in the modern thought and the architectural practice, are being explained. Through a short flashback in the technological developments since the renaissance up to nowadays, are being examined the elements which urged to the hegemony of the image and at the same time, contributed in the deprivation of the sensory participation in the spatial perception. Representation, as the main tool of architectural planning, sets off the research towards the results of its generalized use, in rendering the material substance of the thing. The static of the image contrasts with the motion as essential condition for the space experience.
This is followed by a short presentation of the perceptual systems in purpose to determine the factors of spatial perception production, considering the perception a subjective construction in continuous development. Next to this, is examined their role in the production and experience of architectural space, as well are being specified the reasons for an enhancement of their participation in these processes. Afterwards there is a reference on artistic and architectural projects, which significantly apply the desirable balanced sensory involvement in the spatial processes. As regards the ways of achieving the inversion of sensory hierarchy, the research is focused in the field of education of them who deal with the spatial production.