Thomas Bernhard is an Austrian author, who was born on the 9th February 1931.
Thomas Bernhard is considered to be one of the greatest authors of our time., he belongs to the generation of literature that begins to publish after the war and with his peculiar writing he defines in a large scale the directions of the younger generation of Austrian authors.
Bernahrd wrote poems, novels and theatrical plays. He was also involved with music and he worked as a journalist. In his works he appears detached but a practiced observer.
Correction is a novel by Thomas Bernhard translated by Vasilis Tomanas from Exantas publications, 1998.
It was written in 1975 having been a decade drifted away in his farm.
The correction deals with human relations the attitude of certain people in some situations, weaknesses of comprehensions and of communication and the true friendship between three people that manages to overcome the stereotypes of a certain era.
A lifetime relation that ends with death.
The correction is a patchwork of manuscripts by Roithamer (the novel’s main character).
In the manuscripts beyond interpersonal relations and the dipoles beginning-end, life-death it appears that the author is occupied with the concept of utopia, the boundaries between architecture and the building as well as the relations between the site and
the habitation.