This research chose the example of the village “Palios Platanos”, which was depopulated during the decade of 1970, caused by repeated destructions. The reactions of its residents and their resistance toward the factor of destruction were registered dynamically in space, through a total of locomotions, removals, returns and re-dwells. Today, the village is showing a supposedly inactive situation and creating an atmosphere of mystery, facts that constituted the reasons for this research aiming to solve the clew of mystery, studying the space of in-depth time.
Thus, the optics with which is examined the settlement, is focused in the acute analysis of his ostensibly inactive situation and in the detection of forces that affects the settlement and leading to continuous transformations. Consequently, considering the village as a dynamic system, it was faced as a phenomenon that owes the form and his character, in the fight between opposite forces, his innate constitution and the exterior environment. In the effort to decode the limits between order and disarray in space, were placed limits on the vector of time.
Consequently, through the composition of maps, are attempted the narration and recording of territorial occurrences in connection with time, using two categories of scale. The space is examined on the one hand via progressive dilation of time, approaching progressively smaller time regions near today and on the other hand via progressive focus in the studying area. Later on our study “today” is approached as a point, on the vector of time that acquires dimensions through real limits that were placed this time, in the empiric time. Through the narration and recording of territorial elements we take as a result characteristics that are being run by the significance meaning of time. It becomes perceptible that examining the space through “the dilation of” time in today and through focusing on space, the time is revealed as a supreme significance. In this way, in the present research, the space and the time constitute an integral total, while henceforth it is a fact that a ruined space, functions as background that not only narrates incidents, but also causes them.