First of all, this research project is an attempt to comprehend the construction – book, entitled “6n Stories and Appendix” which was the result of a course of choice at the 7th semester of academic year 2006-07. At this attempt of comprehension, the methodology that I followed coincides with the one that I had also followed in early manufacture. Hence, the strategy of collection and recording that is detected in the initial manufacture, was useful as model of work also in the theoretical research and the writing of text. Trying to comprehend the processes that I followed in my work, the traces of which are seen in the city space, in the building of my university and in the book, I searched theoretically the terminologies of map, psychogeography, reference and of hypertext - hypermedia. In the other hand, I trying to see this book as a hand made, unique object and search the history and theory of art as far as art book is concerned, from the beginning of the 20 century till today. All this theoretical research is gathered together in a book entitled “Memex”.
Secondly, this research project is an enrichment and enlargement of first manufacture - book. Elements from the initial book are the starting line for new derivatives, experiments, situations, which are finally organised in two parts: 1. Creation of second manufacture up on the initial book, with the form of mapping of references on first in transparencies. 2. Creation of a new book, titled “Other 5 Stories”, enriching the content of book “6n Stories and Appendix”, gathering together all these derivatives in printed form.