In this research we try to associate two different sumbolic mediums, literature and architectural space. These mediums are associated through the translation of a literary work to architectural experience. We have chosen a work by Franz Kafka , named “TheMetamorphosis”. Translation starts with the formulation of a new text, based on Kafka’s text that brings together the two mediums. The following steps include architectural representations that translate Kafka’s work. One of the most important steps is the construction of a different passage scaled 1:1. What we investigate both in space and in Kafka’s work is relationship between subjects. During translation two languages are associated too : Kafka’s language and the architect’s language. The architect’s language is being enriched. Vertical and horizontal planes , that constitute his language, meet depth through transfer or multiplication. Reading translation steps afterwards we understand how Kafka has used space in his writing. What is most important is that we understand the meaning of our language, the meaning that our planes construct. Finally, through translation, we discover new solutions for architectural design.