In everyday life man has had the need to indroduce and create situations and environments in which he could transfer his personal space and to make the most of the environment around him. The environments could be from a house carried on his back to clothing to be worn. The basic archetypes that created this culture is the architecture of the people at the beginning of our century, which was developed by adding elements from modern architecture to create environments, able to move and most times to cover the basic needs of the user . These environments were designed based on anthropocentric measurements concerning their dimensions. The culture was labeled total furnishing, ie total design. The main aim of people engaged in the construction of such environments is to give a minimalist form ,achieving at the same time their huper-designing.
The basic principles governing these structures are common to those found in the huts of nomadic peoples such as Sarakatsanoi. Their main characteristics are their ephemeral nature, the ability to be dismantled and transported anywhere and the ability to operate independently from the rest of the environment. The driving force in their evolution was the human effort to explore and conquer space. Then we first encounter construction-space shuttles able to adapt to a new environment and to protect humans. The way of creating space shuttles influenced architects of both that era and modern ones to introduce in their work respective methods and techniques.
These environments are small-scale structures and constitute the most representative architectural models of maximum use of minimum space. These units invade urban centres and often become pests of existing architecture. They confuse codes, temporarily mix and freely translate traditional ideas of how the public and private space is. Their key properties are the chronikotita, flexibility, recyclability, the ability to activate a gap, a symbiotic relationship with the environment and its relative autonomy.
We are in the era of transition from production to consumption,from the priority of architectural structure to that of the image, of advertising and decoration. The image itself is a commodity since means of production and work are employed for its creation and distribution. Man’s communication with the image, is a self-value which ensures that everything is fungible and this because the image is everything and has subordinated them to the logic of a search for maximum use. Now the need for a product has to do more with fashion, the life style and fun,rather than the need itself. A product because of competition, must have a unique design. Just a signature can make it a fashion or make an exhibit at the museum of Modern Art. Articles and products have lost their materiality . The mobile environment is intangible and imaginary. The objects have been replaced by the total furnishing where the theories and rules that govern it to do not have material substance.