Photographing the urban landscape today would record pictures with obvious the presence of advertisement and graffiti on most of it’s surfaces.The way of expression in public view and via the daily stimuli that accompany the experience of one figurative or advertising fact in the city is piece of a complicated activity and creation of situations in the city. Advertisement and graffiti alter daily the picture of the city.These changes create a new topography, a “whirlwind” that moves creating in an interventionist way, new pictures with topical and ephemeral characteristics.
The object of our research is the analysis and regard of city and society as for their relation with advertising and graffiti. Two factors that begin from opposite cores of society and colide in front of our eyes on the surface of the city. We will observe and search the motives, the action, the character and tendencies of two phenomena in the history ending in the current season, where we focus in the current world language, the language of logos and symbols, a language that is used henceforth also from the two “rivals”. We locate the most vital attitude of modern graffiti movement,to reclaim the public space that has been delivered unconditionally in the hands of advertisers.
The remnant of the battle graffiti vs. advertisment is a piece of a singular and interesting forum in the urban environment.The cheracteristics of this forum that is recorded in the city is many: the continuous layering and renewal of messages of ads or graffiti,the topical character of the dialogue, the opposition between legal and illegal. Except however from the battle between advertisment and graffiti in the urban space we will search the interactions of the phenomena in the society, the policy, concerning what is happening in the world and the future of the person on it.