Subject of this study is the double skin facades, a system which gives to the bulidings transparency and functionality and make them capable of adapting to the climate of each season.
Today, that architecture appears more conscious about ecological matters, than ever, this old time idea is again popular and used from many architects.
By the time that understanding the function of the double glass facadeis complex, it is attempting an analysis of the basic points of this system. We ascertain that the function of these systems, is affected by many different factors.
Next, are presented their categories, a very important process, because each type which is presented, affects the final design of the buildings. The number of these types is large, so a synopsis and a comparison of their characteristics will be very useful. Their advantages and disadvantages are also mentioned.
The result of the inquiring subject is the analysis and the propose of a model system of double glass facade, which uses as outer layer glass blinds, which allow the airtight closing of the system. Next it is attempting a concise presentation of the strategics, which should be followed in order to succeed a complete control of environmental conditions.
Finally, are mentioned conclusions that result from the total study.