The current research project investigates the architecture of the minimum space in its various expressions. Firstly, as a product of specialized architectural design, in the present conditions, but especially, as a socio-economical result, though handmade structure. Inquires some architectural and artistic efforts, living conditions pushed to the limits, the influence of other civilizations that accepts “minimum” as integral piece of their culture and the handmade structure as the architecture of surviving, adopted usually by vulnerable social groups.
This research aims to a catalogue-guide of handmade, or not, microarchitecture of the urban landscape of Volos. We chose 23 of these structures, recorded, analyzed, categorized and introduced them.
Microarchitecture exists everywhere around us, even in the most unusuall places. In the streets we walk daily, in our neighborhood, even next to our house. But we usually ignore it, as something insignificant and indifferent. The only thing we have to do is recognize it, observe it, analyze it or even learn from it.