The interest in the present research is focused in the knitting and the weaving as well as in the techniques, the structure, the form and its operations. The analysis of these elements will lead to the creation of three-dimensional manufactures that has as starting point knitted surfaces, more specifically created with the small needle. The passage, which is attempted in the third dimension, has resulted through the parallelism and the transports that we locate between textures and structures with the corresponding architecture.
More specifically:
The origin of knitting is found in the basic human need for the protection against the elements of nature, which the prehistoric persons wove. This process led to the knitting with its current form. More recently, the knitting has become the least an essential faculty and the more an amateur activity.
The woollies, with their current form constitute department of textile surfaces that is separated in surfaces from spinners, fibers as well as their combinations.
What has been selected and presented analytically is a manner of knitting, the knitting with the small needle and particularly that of traditional compositions. It belongs in interrupted (lame) textile surfaces, meaning in surfaces that present big or small voids. All the characteristics are studied as well as the means that are used for its concretization. In this type of weaving a special interest is presented not only in its structure, as in other types of technique e.g. with the needles, but also in the operation and form of its individual departments into total woolly. Certain tools, also, that represent the woolly and help in the process of weaving, as the drawing and the graphic representation of weaving, will constitute a reason for the production of three-dimensional manufactures.
What is more, from the simple knitting we pass in various industrial applications. Versions of modern building production are reported with knitted surfaces and meshes
and they present weavings of metal elements (manufactured buckrams) of which the structure is similar with that of woollies with the small needle, simpler metal meshes as well as weavings of other materials, such as the ceramic etc.
Furthermore, certain manufactures are analyzed, and buildings that use the help of new technologies in the treatment of materials and experiment, create new forms bunch.
Additionally, weavings of composition are paralleled with three-dimensional forms because the proportion of their operation into woolly and in the building, respectively, as well as because of their geometry.
Finally, an evolution of symbols is realized for graphic representation and meter of drawing of weaving and is created a new ground plan, as a tool for the production of architectural work. Three-dimensional manufactures are presented that are products of analysis and treatment of knitted surfaces.