The Elimnion municipality is found in Northern Evia. The two bigger settlements of the Municipality are Limni and Rovies where from the late 19th century and until the mid 20th century important industrial units developed.
The industrial facilities that were developed in the region are the paper factory in Rovies, the Ritsoni’s factory resin and agricultural products in Limni and three plants for the treatment of magnesite, along the coastal road connecting Limni and Katounia. Today there is no industrial unit operating in the region.
The object of this study is the investigation of the maintenance prospects of these industrial plants, through their detailed recording, documentation and evaluation.
The first part of the study includes general information, that is to say, geographic, historical, and geomorphologic elements of region of the Elimnion Municipality, as well as historical elements for the central settlements, Rovies and Limni.
In the second part, the reasons that led the region under study to industrialization, the social impact this had, historical data for corresponding industrial sectors in a national level and finally short architectural and typological analysis of industrial buildings are investigated.
In the third part there is an analytic presentation of the industries of the region, where the historical elements of industry, the productive process of products, the description and the historical stratigraphy of buildings of industrial units are reported.
In the last chapter conclusions and proposals of maintenance are presented.
It must be noted that, until today, no complete study of these facilities has been conducted and the published material is scarce. This research was based mainly on unpublished archival sources by the Local Archive of Limni that is under the jurisdiction of the General Files of State. The documents reflect the correspondence of owners of the industrial facilities with the Local council authorities- Municipality and Prefecture.Information was also taken through interviews with Mr. Mprisko Georgio, former worker in the paper factory (July 2007) and Mrs Ritsoni Athina, shareholder of the resin factory (December 2007).
Important information for the mining enterprises is owed in Mr. Ioannis Palantzas and his doctoral thesis entitled “The Digging out and Mining Activity of Magnesite in Northern Evia of Greece, at the 19th and 20th Century, on the basis Archival Sources” which he kindly offered us.
Photographs were assembled by residents of Limni and Rovies, the bigger part of which belongs to Mr. Ioannis Fafoutis. Furthermore, the imprinting of the buildings that attribute the current situation are also included in the context of present research topic (Winter 2008).
In order to ensure a better classification, organisation and treatment of the material that was assembled relative cards were used as supplements, these are owed to the 4th Ephorate of Modern Monuments of Ministry of Culture.