The subject of this diploma project is a store-showroom meant for the Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake. The store is supposed to be located at the center of Kifissia ( Attiki).
The concept of designing is based on the technique of Miyake’s project, a-poc.
A-poc is based on the possibility of producing endless lengths of new fabric with the help of computer-programmed machines. Patterns can be worked into the textile, and a sophisticated system of links and holes between the two sides of the tube allows the user to cut out seamless clothing from the fabric in different variations. Instead of the strict matrix of wrap and weft that must be sewn in the shape of the human body, a seamless continuum emerges which comes closer to the human form than ever before.
Based on the a-poc, the project aims to bring out the different personality of each user. We tried to design a space that can be compared with a big pipe of raw fabric. Each user will cut the fabric according to his size, as a result of his needs, his aesthetics, his preferences. The users emit their different personalities onto a screen. The screen of a theatre of fashion. A big catwalk, nominal and simultaneously realistic.
The building is divided in three areas. The backside area is constituted of five levels while the remainder space is single with maximum height 12.70m. The building provides spaces for consumption but also for cultural events (art gallery, fashion shows, etc).