The intention of the municipality of Larissa for a new building at the center of the town in witch it will be concentrated the most public activities while the building should be function as a means of rejuvenating the municipal administration are the main issues witch this projects deals with.
The site is placed at the center of the town next to one of it’s most important squares in witch there is concentrated a large part of the economical and social activity of the town .The relationship between the proposed building and the public space in front of it is one of the major issues that the project deals with while the nature of the building as a representation of the town’s main institution is under question.
Given the fact that today’s media appoint in a very large scale the function of modern democratically organized societies even at the scale of a town, substituting the presence of the citizens in public spaces, the main idea behind this project is at the opposite direction, proposing a building that will stimulates the citizens the take part in the activities of the municipality.
According to these intentions the first major attempt is made at the level of functions introducing an enriched program proposed by town’s authorities .By stretching the proposed functions in a more commercial way the main intention of the project is to render the new building as a spot of political social and economical activity in the center of the town
The designing of a shell that it will cover the proposed functions constitutes the second part of the project .The main feature of the proposed shell is in first level an optical variability witch in a second face expands in other attributes witch finally determine it’s final form .
Combining the above intentions the project proposes a system of flows between the different functions, witch at the end results in a system of ramps, stairs and cores of veridical communication. The main aim of this decision is a net that it will connect the different functions of the building, increasing the mobility between the different parts of it, and at the same time allowing the existence of hybrid situations witch target to the disappearance of the limits between politics and everyday life.