This project is divided in three parts; the kinds of passive solar systems are described at the first one. These systems are the following: systems with direct solar gain (windows), systems with indirect solar gain(conservatory thermal storage wall) and the systems of isolated solar gain, where the space of the collection of solar energy is separated from the space of the storage(various types of solar collectors). At the second part there are some examples of dwellings which use these passive solar systems in order to reduce the consumption of solar energy of the dwelling. The last part contains a research with the use of the programs Summer Building and solar tool. A description of this research follows.
Nine cities of Greece are chosen, the only ones that we have climatic data; the following process is applied to each one of them. At a space of size 6X6, there is a wall with an opening. In the first case that we study the space in question has no other floor above it, whereas in the second it has. Then, using the program Summer Building we place the opening on different orientation (north, south, east, west), changing at the same time the size of the opening. So, there is a space with an opening, which we rotate on four different directions, fluctuating the size of the opening and using Summer Building we calculate the heating and cooling loads. Later on, dividing with the efficiency of the system, we find the consumption of energy that there will be in that space. When the calculations have taken place, we compare the results and we draw to some conclusions, which differ from city to city due to the various climatic conditions, having ended up at the best solutions (according to the energy), we propose for Athens, Thessaloniki and Alexandroupoli some shades, which are designed at solar tool. These proposals have been made only for these cities in order to avoid repetition. As regards to the shapes of shade, we have to mention the incapacity of the program solar tool to allow us draw whatever shape.