Are shadows part of the space itself or part of the elements that compose the space...
Shadows have frequently concerned the arts and the every day life not only by their presence but also by their absence. Although being considered as a pagan symbol and a proof of the objects’ existence at the same time, shadows’ essence and nature has always been covered by a veil of mystery.
In the undertaken research, the shadows are examined through their different forms and their “phantasmagoria” as described by Restany: “kind of silhouettes that appear from the dark”.
The observation of N.Kessanlis’ work emerged the need for experimentation that led to the following acceptance: the shadow does not follow the object neither it disappears when the light goes off, instead, it stamps on the surfaces and each time new shadows are created by the light source. Thus their existence would become obvious and perceptible, the world however would be dominated by shadows.