Our search ,begins from our interest, in the ways that the building, in architecture are converse with the land. These ways, sometimes showa smaller or bigger sensitivity , to how the building weaves together with the land and sometimes show indifference. This graduation, encouraged our interest for further research.
The building converse with the land , help out by the ground, in several ways. Simply siting on the ground ,or detaching from this or deepening in it up to a point, until it disappears. The building adjucts to the bas-relief or conflicts with it.
Surely, the architecture of the past few years, often presents propositions that the building, the ground and the landscape determine differently. Also, already testing approaches continue to apply such as undermined buildings.
Our examples, are from the undermined buildings ,in the last decade and also in that which imitate the bas-relief of the ground. Since the variety in the dialogue between the building and the ground is mainly shown in it.
Our search was based in bibliography, in articles of architectural magazines, as well as world architecture press for the workshop of famous architects.
In our search ,we are looking at the characteristics of buildings. Some of them are more conventional, the building has a mild relationship with the ground and the landscape. Or deepening until they disappear.
From the other hand ,there are examples which overthrow the relationship of building .ground, landscape and all those involved. Therefore a new form of building and a new architecture is created,the geoarchitecture. This approached enlarged the limits of architecture.
In the first chapter, we are searching the relationship between the man and the inhabitation in caves and also the meening to insert in the land.. More over mythological elements from the Anciant Greece,for the land.
We referent some undermined buildings from the history of architecture.
Talking for the <
We see the dialogue between the ground and the building. Also the attempt for searching new forms in architecture.
In the second chapter we examine two different approaches of building, regarding theirs relationship with the subsoil.
Undermined buildings and buildings whose imitate the bas-relief of the ground.
We see some buildings from the first approashe, like the <
From the second approach, we see building like the <
Inconclusion we compare all these, what the relationship between the ground and architecture form, is what view appear or disappear ,for theirs geometry, whether the new elements of design which help to create new forms, for theirs materiality.
The dialog among building and ground offers a new site , in which reading the possibilities and the problems of bisection, like building-ground, inside -outside, physical -artificial .
Unmouvements limits ,abolish either in undermined buildings or in those whitch imitate the bas-relief of the ground, like the Tandao Ando and Peter Eisenman.
The syneresis, of building and ground , open new chances for architectural expration and ways that architecture and land coexist and meaning together, at the same time.