The subject of the research is the north side of Dimitriados street , that belongs to the Metamorfoseos neighbourhood. It consists twenty blocks , that are surrounded from the following streets : Xenofontos street , Hermou street, El. Benizelou street and Dimitriados street . The social groups , that have established in the area east of the Castle , were coming others away from the area of the old city and others closer to Pelion or Western Thessaly, but also to european countries , because of the sea trade and other works , that a little later started to take place . In the the progress of time with the changes that the fast developing social and political circumstances have caused , both local and global , new population movments from and to the town took place . The inhabidants that have influenced and have been influenced all time from the port of Volos are enriched , collide with each other , influence each other, with the agony of survival , leave their traces ahd transform intensely the area in every level . The uses that every time have been invested by the inhabidants , as owners or as tenants change every time period the form of the publick and private place.
The goal of the research is to put down and study important aspects of the area , that relate to the population , to the users and the place , to investigate her transformation in time and distinguish her values , that must be protected and distinguished .
The method that is followed in the research consists of two parts: in the first the already existing bibliography, the local and magazine press, the collection of photographs from the local photographs and the maps of the town planning of the municipality of Volos. The second field focuses on local record of the area and in intervieu with theinhabitants and professionals that use the buildings of the area , owners or tenants. To continue, the information is organised in cards, one for each building, followed by a part of a map and a photo of each building, so that the concntrated information is able to be changed and organised. All the information, that are crossed and whose accuracy is contolled with printed matters from town plannings files in chosen cases of real estates, are printed in maps, that are divided in categories of every chronological period and chapters according to the subject, and are divided in three fields of the area study, the western, the central and the easten, with buildings that relote to the intense characteristics noticed in each field.
The changes that are found out from the research in three factors: the population, the uses and the area, an effort takes place for them to be analysed, to be contanced for every time period, but to be located, as well. With the locations of the tranformations on the maps, on the photographical imptintment of the buildings and the roads , in their classification in categories and with the diagrams on the out line of the heights of the buildings , in every time period , the changes are made eminent and conclusions are extracted. Also , the role and grade of intervetion of the state is listed and analysed as well as the respect in the practice of international declarations for the prtection of the atchitectural heritage.
The remarks and generally the analysis of the historical shape and development of the area that reveal the aspects and the mechanisms that have played an important role in the singular and particular area , is taking place , so that is protected and to form with her survival and distinction , a feature for evolution for the city.