Play constitutes explicitly a determined quality of action, where every physicalis treated fantastically', and is invested with an unfamiliar qualitative attribute”. As a very concrete and creative behavior, produces structures, such as intellectual, mental, material, and social. In this particular study, thatis searched, is the experience of play so much in individual as in collective level, as well as its characteristics and possibilitiesas a creative way of expression and communication. The subject is approached through the observation and the description, through theoretical texts, and through the production of games, while the process of research itself as well as the results, constitute part of a game. A person’s relation with the environment, with other people, with the culture, istracked down, through game as a point of view, especially through a game that does not include anyelement of rivalry or competition, and focuses in the spontaneous and continuously altered temper for involvement of subject with the surrounding world.