Lighting constitutes an inseparable part of the historical evolution of museums and aims always at the development of a qualitative place with high standards for knowledge transmission, exhibit perception by museum visitors, but also for social contact.
The attributes of light, natural or not, are often clashing, when their combination is attempted, which aims at the achievement of the most optimal result, during lighting design. Latest technology, with development of new systems, allows designers to approach their subject from various sides depending each time from what is asked.
On the other hand, their role is exceptionally important, because in this point enters the primary dilemma, that springs from two each other clashing factors. The ideal lighting, so as the exhibits become absolute perceptible by spectators and museum conservation policy.
Museum showcases constitute inseparable part of their design. In our country does not exist a specific model about their design, so each museum improvise. Use of appropriate materials ( transparent or not ) and lighting systems should be selected, aiming at the minimization of the damage that can potentially cause to the exhibits.
Thus, the subject deals with the general issue of the design of lighting systems in museum places, while it aims at :
1. Proposing directives about display cases design, which could constitute a model. There will be discussed, not only the materials, but also the microclimate that is created in their interior.
2. Designing a display case system in which the lighting can be modified depending on the type of the exhibits.