This researchbegan from our need to understand and to comprehend the significance and the structure of the labyrinth. In first level we investigate his origin and then with the deviation as our tool we follow his mutations. Deviations are our experience through the personal texts. The process of research did not follow any type of linearity, moreover all the subjects that we open they were worked simultaneously and this fact make it constituted a very creative process, that brought in light unknown aspects and interesting cross-correlations. Thus we were led to a cluster of ideas and significances, not linearly connected, with limits not static, changeable, open in new connections. The clew that comes up has key-words(links) for endings, that every time we pull them a new deviation happens. Using personal text as doors which are opened for us and become passage in another world, each time we map our own labyrinth, in every possible reading we unfold behind us the thread, whether to be used by others, or to be found on the map of universe of data. The final product is a hypertext, which endings remain permanently open in order to lead us to new deviations.