Nature is full of sounds. Everywhere, wherever we are, we are surrounded by sounds, once annoying, once dull, or pleasing. Even a noise can generate a melody or a rhythm. It can stimulate an emotion. Musicissound. Thisisa bigissuethat allows for contemplation. It is a theme that can not be ‘explained’, can not become easily specified nor defined. Music means something different to every person. In most human actions, music has either a first or second role. Music is a part of human life.
Architecture is a challenge for fantasy. It is a field that can be perceived in many different ways. Architecture is both science and art, perhaps the oldest art, along with music.
It is a way of thinking that has been part of our studies by the last five years. Architecture as an art of expression and creation helped us in understanding the interconnections and interactions of different and individual researching of the experience of life. Oneofthesefieldsisthe musicfieldtoo. Musichas touchedthehumansoul since the daywe were born… What about architecture?How can we connect these two meanings, in order to have a bipolar relation? Where can we find the common ground for these two arts?
In an effort to give certain answers, first we approach this theme theoretically. Afterwards, we experiment by organizing a project, which is based on questions and thoughts. Through this project, it is attempted to give an answer to the following question:
How can a city create a sound phrase? A city, which is an experience of architecture, how can that be understood as a sound - music experience?