The gasoline station started taking shape in the early 20th century and was first introduced in the history of architecture in 1932 by the Museum of Modern Art in New York show: “Modern architecture: International Exhibition”. It is a universal building which is accompanied by the highway or the urban street. It represents a special aesthetics of the road and it converts to a visual sign, while pursuing to attract the driver’s glance.
The evolution of architecture in the 20th century has affected the evolution of the form of the gas stations. The gas station is an independent building, acknowledged as local or universal. The visual impact of the evolution of technology, the speed, the travels as well as the evolution of the means of transport, are being now formed by the design of the logo, the sign, the canopy, the pump and the building of the gas station. Although each of these elements constitute a small part of the gas station, they all together compound it, render it recognizable and give it a distinct form, and therefore constitute its integral elements. The relation these elements have with each other, with the open- air space or semi open-air space, as well as with the landscape, is not defined, but varies according to the different styles of every era. Service station or building, it is a cause of social commerce and transaction and part of the roadside architecture.
The gas stations emerged in Greece later in regard to the rest of the world and their number increased slowly. In the city of Volos, the number of the gas stations is relatively minor, and they present similar characteristics. As plenty of them are located at the town centre, their elements turn out in constituting urban accoutrements.
Scouting the typology of gas stations, several differences are ascertained. These differences allow their classification in three types. The stations of the same type are almost similar and the only element that modifies them is the petroleum company, which makes them recognizable, by means of the logo and the signs.
Observing the position and the part of the gas station in the city, one can see how much it’s affected, morphologically and typologically from the evolution of architecture, and at the same time, how much it affects and modulates the urban surface.