The landscape of earth is covered by another one. A digital, invisible one created by flow of data. Network substructures exchange digital information. These networks support media that we use and they translate for us any kind of data in order us to be able to use it.
This landscape, for witch the term mediascape is used, is examined according to what G. Simmel thinks of the term landscape and also according to how M. Heidegger talks about the term “place”.
Use and flow of data at the networks transform earth to a space of flows. Information flows change the idea of identity, place and time.
Networks tend to be endless and total and tend to cover any part of land. The idea of a network - gap seems to be interesting and is examined.
Using wireless network substructures the idea of a network - parasite that creates gaps in the networks is formed. There are various possibilities about the effects of this parasite to the space of flows and about its identity.